Treating Menopause Naturally With Acupuncture
Navigating the Menopausal Transition: How to reduce menopausal symptoms and feel better naturally with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. One question we often receive at Well Woman Acupuncture is “does acupuncture work to relieve the symptoms of perimenopause & menopause”? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” Many women don’t realize that Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are …
Acupuncture as an Alternative to the Flu-Shot to Stay Healthy Through Cold & Flu Season
Did you know that acupuncture is a natural alternative to preventing cold & flu? For instance, many of our patients (the majority of whom are coming in for women’s health-related issues ) mention that their immune systems seem stronger than they have in years, even though we are focusing on hormones. Everyone in their house had …
Acupuncture and Male Factor Infertility: 4 Lifestyle Habits to Dramatically Improve Your Sperm Quality
This article is chock-full of research-supported tips and tricks that will help you make quality, healthy sperm AKA World Champion Sperm! You have a lot more control over your fertility than you think, and I’m going to lay out some basic concepts that you can use to your advantage, whether your goal is simply to boost ...
Acupuncture and Male Factor Infertility: 4 Lifestyle Habits to Dramatically Improve Your Sperm Quality
This article is chock-full of research-supported tips and tricks that will help you make quality, healthy sperm AKA World Champion Sperm! You have a lot more control over your fertility than you think, and I’m going to lay out some basic concepts that you can use to your advantage, whether your goal is simply to boost ...
Acupuncture and Male Factor Infertility: 4 Lifestyle Habits to Dramatically Improve Your Sperm Quality
This article is chock-full of research-supported tips and tricks that will help you make quality, healthy sperm AKA World Champion Sperm! You have a lot more control over your fertility than you think, and I’m going to lay out some basic concepts that you can use to your advantage, whether your goal is simply to boost …